Axia College Of University Of Phoenix


Axia College Of University Of Phoenix

axia college of university of phoenix

    axia college

  • Axia College is a for-profit educational institution founded in March 2004. There are currently more than 100,000 students attending Axia.


  • The members of this collectively
  • the body of faculty and students at a university
  • a large and diverse institution of higher learning created to educate for life and for a profession and to grant degrees
  • An educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions
  • The grounds and buildings of such an institution
  • establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching


  • A person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect
  • a large monocotyledonous genus of pinnate-leaved palms found in Asia and Africa
  • (in classical mythology) A unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle
  • the state capital and largest city located in south central Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation
  • a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years

axia college of university of phoenix – Medical Terminology:

Medical Terminology: The Language of Health Care
Medical Terminology: The Language of Health Care
Now students can learn medical terminology in its proper context—in documenting patient care. The text teaches students APPLIED terminology, demonstrating exactly how medical terminology is used in the clinical practice setting. Willis’ Medical Terminology features COMPLETE records with patient history included. Completely unique, the fourth chapter teaches basic communication between professionals, including physician’s orders and prescriptions, plus…”Ancient Artifacts” with colorful etymologies and historical backgrounds for commonly used terms.
An entire chapter focuses on time management, sensory mnemonics, and using flash cards—information unique to this text. Helpful appendices include an index of term components, abbreviations and symbols, answers to exercises and a listing of commonly prescribed drugs.
In addition to the best medical terminology available for students, Willis’ Medical Terminology gives instructors a range of options for using the material:
The Text
The Instructor’s Guide
Pronunciation Audio Tapes
Computerized Test Bank

Loyalist Radio Prod 3, 2005

Loyalist Radio Prod 3, 2005
AKA "Big 4" for the big McCurdy console and the four-track Tascam tape machine on the right. Also serves as a backup on-air room for CJLX. In 2008, the McCurdy (which I believe was installed around 1984) was replaced with a new Axia Element digital board.
axia college of university of phoenix